Sunday, October 16, 2005

Reasons why I like October

Number one:

Number two:

Yes, this was my birthday weekend. To those who were around this weekend, a hearty thanks for making me, cheesy as it sounds, feel very special. Last year, not ready to admit that I live here, I bailed on California for my birthday weekend and did the NYC thing. This year, on a scale of good to awesome, was super-great, to quote my jack o'lantern.

Friday, October 14, 2005


is fast approaching. Perhaps my favorite holiday, because it centers around fun and candy. I've officially decided on my costume for this year. It's both slightly gory (in a cute way) and bizarre, so that makes it a really idea costume. I'ma be:
one of these
. But it's gonna be crafty. Like "My L'il Homemade Anatomy Torso". Made of felt and lace and yarn. Mosty because of
. In any case, I'm on the lookout for someone with bitchin makeup skills. Because I really want the half peeled-off face look. It's really key. Otherwise I may just have to do the "My other costume is a slutty _______." t-shirt.

In January I had a dream that I was Mr. Peanut for Halloween. I entertained that idea for a while, but I realized fairly quickly that it's total bullshit to follow your dreams. Honestly, who does that? Then, after seeing Ghostbusters in 70mm glory, I wanted to be Stay-Puft. But then I realized, yuck, cumbersome. Although with all the frotting that goes on in the Castro during the 'Ween madness, I suppose it couldn't hurt to have a buffer zone.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

re: dolly

Sparkly turquoise dress. Matching guitar. Worst. Sound system. Ever.

At least I heard approximately thirty seconds of "Jolene." And the entirety of "Nine to Five."

And her joke about her family being horny hillbillies. Yes.

My evening: watching the third Harry Potter movie on cable and crocheting a hyperbolic surface. I need an intervention?

Sunday, October 02, 2005

I have a date with destiny...

...and by destiny I mean Dolly Parton. This should be good.