Thursday, September 08, 2005

malia "no poker face" jackson

On my walk hom from work, I ran into one of the younger guys I work with. He was all hidden away on a bench with some girl in his arms, and she was holding a bouquet of flowers. This is the same guy who came to work in the spring with the biggest hickey I have ever seen in my life, which he said he was hiding from his girlfriend because she didn't give him said hickey. So I was happy to see him being all mushy. Then I get stopped by these dudes taking a survey because, according to one "I looked very happy as I was walking towards them." They asked me what I thought life's purpose was, among other idiotic queries. Damn me and my lack of a poker face.

Getting off BART, I ran into that guy. The one who sells his hideous bored in study hall-esque ballpoint pen art and allegedly has a nine year old daughter named Ashley for whom he's begging. I've never seen Ashley, but I've certainly seen his nasty ass begging/skateboarding around the neighborhood at all hours of the day. This dude makes me seriously mad, because in the words of the immortal Holden Caufield, he's a phony. Today he was asking for aspirin or Advil. Honestly I had neither and he got all uppity with me when I told him sorry. As I kept walking, I was still stewing about this dude. Must have had a sour look on my face, because this vaguely crazy dirty oldish guy who was walking towards me starting doing a little shuffly dance on the sidewalk and said to me, "What's up? You all right, baby?" To which I replied "Yup" and kept walking. To which he replied, "All right, my love." Which, for some reason, made me smile again.