Thursday, July 06, 2006


Many who know me know I am a fan of both fingerless gloves, which I often refer to as my "hobo gloves," and tattoos. In a stroke of sheer genius, a pattern on knitty sprang up today for how to make fingerless gloves that you then embroider to give yourself wooly knuckle tattoos. I'll say it again, sheer genius. Now I just need to come up with the best possible phrase. WORD NERD comes to mind. There's a list of suggestions with the pattern, a few of which a really choice: DYNO MITE, OMG! WTF?, FOOD RENT, S1K1 PSSO (only funny if you read knitting), TINY HAND (so cute!), 1337 $K1Z (I still find 733+ amusing. Like when I tried to play it as a word in boggle and Noah told me "It's not a word, and even if it was, it starts with a 7").

So who's got a good idea for me? And of course, I'm putting this out there, I will knit you your own pair of knucks, as they're called (or anything else for that matter) for the low low price of yarn and a half. I'm more about the process than the product, as it were. Never much for that Machiavelli chap.


Blogger Pamelamama said...

thanks for the props Malia!

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of them should spell out DUCK and maybe the other could say GOOS? LJQ

8:00 AM  

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