Tuesday, December 21, 2004

i enjoy being a girl

So facts are facts: the field of poetry is friendlier to women than the field of science, based on an N of one (me {that whole N thing is a stats term for those unfamiliar}). Not to rant or anything, but I had a physics professor announce to the class that the girls in our section couldn't do physics, but we could write neatly. I was told by my classmates that I was given better grades on my homework because I had neater papers, once again because I was a girl. Bullshit like that. I never really saw men as getting in the way of what I wanted to accomplish and for that reason I don't think I ever identified as a feminist. I'm uneasy with labels like that in general.

A little while ago, I went to see Tracy + the Plastics at the Exloratorium. Tracy--real name Wynne Greenwood or something, is a lesbian video artist with a decidedly feminist agenda, and of all people, she got me thinking about feminism. Perhaps not she, but the cracked-out dude who couldn't handle her use of creative space & time and started barking at her. Not cool dude. And to that dude's friend: You cannot pull off the Hitler mustache. No one can pull of the Hitler mustache. You're walking around SF reminding people of Hitler; is this a worthy goal?

So this show made me think about two things:
(1) The difference between hip and hipster. Hip people and hipsters show up at the same events. Hipsters don't understand what's going on at said events, e.g. a male hipster barks at a feminist who's into not dominating space with her personality.

(2) Maybe I should learn something about feminism.

What I'm doing with thoughts:
(1) Scowling at hipsters and cursing them for getting tickets to things before I do. Also the joke Geri told me: Q: Why did the hipster chicken cross the road? A: Omigod, you don't know?

(2) Taking a class next semester about Marianne Moore and Elizabeth Bishop that promises to tackle modernism, postmodernism, and feminism in one fell swoop. We'll see how that goes.


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